Stacking multiple of the exact same Weapon/Armor + upgrade level.The ability to use multiple bags of salt at once in the inventory menu instead of one at a time.Knowing how much salt each bag of salt gives as well as amount of salt to level up on your inventory menu.This probably best would be in the upgrade menu when upgrading weapons and in the transmutation menu. Same to know what a weapon/armor will look like while fully upgraded and/or 50 in the relevant stats (as 50 is kind of a "soft cap" in the game from what I read).(see Blacksmith's Gloves, Jester's Crown, or Ghastly Gourd) This includes the flags that armors and weapons have as not all armors are obvious about what they give the player. For example which weapons have "Extra Blades" or "Extra Blunt" (as well as what they do) when you equip them.I would like information so I don't have to tab into a wiki every time I equip stuff when I want to remember things.And maybe manually move stuff to hide/storage? I am a bit of a hoarder when it comes to these games and scrolling through a LONG list gets annoying. Option to hide weapons and armor you cannot equip.This could apply to other items such as the tab with monster, boss monster, and statue drops, etc. Items would have recent equipped, item type (like organizing throwable items, buff items, Creed items, and salt bags), and alphabetical.Shields can have also stagger resistance. Last equipped, Armor Type and Class (Light /Heavy), Armor level (How far its been upgraded), and by how much it increases a specific defense.Right now it organizes ONLY by when you picked it up. I would love for the ability to organize my inventory.